; Single byte addition
ORG 0H ; Set the origin address
MOV A, #5 ; Load first operand into accumulator
ADD A, #3 ; Add second operand to accumulator
; Result is now in accumulator (A)
; Single byte subtraction
ORG 0H ; Set the origin address
MOV A, #8 ; Load minuend into accumulator
SUBB A, #3 ; Subtract subtrahend from accumulator
; Result is now in accumulator (A)
; Single byte multiplication
ORG 0H ; Set the origin address
MOV A, #5 ; Load first operand into accumulator
MOV B, #3 ; Load second operand into register B
MUL AB ; Multiply A and B, result in A
; Result is now in accumulator (A)
; Single byte division
ORG 0H ; Set the origin address
MOV A, #15 ; Load dividend into accumulator
MOV B, #3 ; Load divisor into register B
DIV AB ; Divide A by B, quotient in A, remainder in B
; Quotient is in accumulator (A), remainder is in B
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