8051 Stepper Motor Interfacing: Embedded C Code

 #include <reg51.h>

// Define the stepper motor pins

sbit STEPPER_PIN_1 = P1^0;

sbit STEPPER_PIN_2 = P1^1;

sbit STEPPER_PIN_3 = P1^2;

sbit STEPPER_PIN_4 = P1^3;

// Function to generate delay

void delay(unsigned int ms) {

    unsigned int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < ms; i++) {

        for (j = 0; j < 123; j++);



// Function to rotate the stepper motor one step

void step_motor(unsigned int step) {

    switch (step) {

        case 0:

            STEPPER_PIN_1 = 1;

            STEPPER_PIN_2 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_3 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_4 = 0;


        case 1:

            STEPPER_PIN_1 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_2 = 1;

            STEPPER_PIN_3 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_4 = 0;


        case 2:

            STEPPER_PIN_1 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_2 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_3 = 1;

            STEPPER_PIN_4 = 0;


        case 3:

            STEPPER_PIN_1 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_2 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_3 = 0;

            STEPPER_PIN_4 = 1;






// Main function

void main() {

    unsigned int i;

    while (1) {

        // Rotate the stepper motor clockwise

        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {




        // Rotate the stepper motor counterclockwise

        for (i = 3; i > 0; i--) {







In this program:

We define the stepper motor pins as STEPPER_PIN_1, STEPPER_PIN_2, STEPPER_PIN_3, and STEPPER_PIN_4, which are connected to port pins P1.0, P1.1, P1.2, and P1.3, respectively.

The delay function is used to generate a delay in milliseconds. It uses nested loops to achieve the desired delay.

The step_motor function is responsible for rotating the stepper motor one step. It takes the step number as an argument and sets the corresponding pins high or low based on the step sequence.

In the main function, we have an infinite loop that rotates the stepper motor clockwise and then counterclockwise.

To rotate the stepper motor clockwise, we iterate through steps 0 to 3 and call the step_motor function with the corresponding step number. After each step, we introduce a delay of 100 milliseconds using the delay function.

To rotate the stepper motor counterclockwise, we iterate through steps 3 to 0 in reverse order and call the step_motor function with the corresponding step number, again introducing a delay of 100 milliseconds after each step.

Note: The specific pin connections and delay values may need to be adjusted based on your stepper motor and circuit configuration.

